Tag: God’s plan
Savor The Day
We were made to live one day at a time. Each moment, each part of the day, all elements of each day were made for us by God. He planned our days. He has things he wants to teach and show us every day. Each day He calls out to us. Through everything He is there.…
Divine Intervention: He Came
Christ came. God sent His son into our world. He came with a mission. God’s love intervened. He made a way for us to return to Him. Our Condition We are born into sin. Sin entered the world in the beginning. Ever since we have inherited our sin nature. We are naturally sinful. We are…
Life (& God’s Plan)
God has good plans for us. Not harm but hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) God uses all things in our lives, circumstances, pain, hurt, troubles – He allows them all to bring good to us – He turns what is meant for evil into good. God is not inactive or reactive but working and…
God’s Tapestry: His Masterpiece is You
Ephesians 2:10 says we are God’s masterpiece created in Christ for good works He planned for us. In Christ we are a new creation. Our old nature is gone, replaced with by the Holy Spirit. We can now choose between God and sin. Under our old nature we could not. We had no power to do…