Tag: Holy Spirit

  • Imitate: His Life, Our Life

    Jesus came and lived among us. He lived a life walking with His Father doing His Fathers will. He gave His life, obeying His Fathers will to the end. In that He made a way back to Him for all people everywhere. If we believe in Him we will be saved.  Jesus’s life was an…

  • Upside Down

    The kingdom of God is not at all like the world. God’s kingdom is the opposite of the world. The priorities, thoughts, ways, views, patterns, beliefs and characteristics are completely different. God created the world in harmony with His kingdom. Sin took that away.  But as God’s children we are to live and think differently.…

  • The Power Source

    When we gave our lives to Christ, He gave us His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is promised to all who believe in Christ. It is our guarantee that we are in Him and have eternal life. (2nd Corinthians 1:22) Jesus promised to never leave us. He promised His helper, the Holy Spirit. The same…

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