Tag: peace
Prayer, what is it? Talking to God? Does He answer? Does prayer help us? Why pray when God already knows what is on our hearts? How do we pray?When should we pray? What is prayer? Prayer is how we communicate with God. It connects us to Him. It builds our faith in Him. It restores…
Savor The Day
We were made to live one day at a time. Each moment, each part of the day, all elements of each day were made for us by God. He planned our days. He has things he wants to teach and show us every day. Each day He calls out to us. Through everything He is there.…
Divine Intervention: He Came
Christ came. God sent His son into our world. He came with a mission. God’s love intervened. He made a way for us to return to Him. Our Condition We are born into sin. Sin entered the world in the beginning. Ever since we have inherited our sin nature. We are naturally sinful. We are…
Have you Rested?
In the Ten Commandments we read to observe the sabbath day. God worked creating the world and everything in it for 6 days and rested on the 7th. God commanded that the Israelites, His people, rest too. God told them to do no work on the sabbath and then He explains why the command was…
The Israelites and Us: Conclusion
Chosen Family God chose the Israelites out of all the people groups on earth to bring forth His plan. The temple, priest, laws and sacrifices all symbolized Gods future plan to bring salvation to all people. Gods plan always looked to Christ and salvation through Him. (Zechariah 3:8, Zechariah 6:12-13) Our & Their Flaws Despite…
Praise the Lord!!!!
Have you ever thought of All you are blessed with? Have you ever thought of everything God has given you? We may not feel that we are blessed a lot, but we are and as His children we should thank Him everyday! He has given us SO Much Freely because of His love for us.…
Meaning for Season
Ah, it’s that time of year again, Christmas. What comes to mind when you think of Christmas? The holidays, presents, family, decorations, Christmas trees, sales, joy, red and green, Santa, memories, etc.? Or do you think of Christ, Advent, the Star, the Manger, the Wisemen, Joseph and Mary, Angels etc.? Not that the first things…
Heavy Load?
I am an Artist and artists have tons of supplies and tools. So when I started college I got a big Art Kit. Right away I started trying to get rid of some of the things so I wouldn’t have that entire load. I went from a very large heavy book bag (the size of…