Tag: purpose

  • Prayer

    Prayer, what is it? Talking to God? Does He answer? Does prayer help us? Why pray when God already knows what is on our hearts? How do we pray?When should we pray? What is prayer? Prayer is how we communicate with God. It connects us to Him. It builds our faith in Him. It restores…

  • Divine Intervention: He Came 

    Christ came. God sent His son into our world. He came with a mission. God’s love intervened. He made a way for us to return to Him.  Our Condition  We are born into sin. Sin entered the world in the beginning. Ever since we have inherited our sin nature. We are naturally sinful. We are…

  • Finding Your Purpose & Part in God’s Kingdom 

    Whether you just believed in Christ today or recently or years ago, do you know what God wants you specifically to be doing with your life for His Kingdom and purpose? When we start out in our walk with God we are full of energy and enthusiasm for Christ. Lots of times unfortunately we can…

  • God’s Tapestry: His Masterpiece is You

    Ephesians 2:10 says we are God’s masterpiece created in Christ for good works He planned for us. In Christ we are a new creation. Our old nature is gone, replaced with by the Holy Spirit. We can now choose between God and sin. Under our old nature we could not. We had no power to do…

  • The Israelites and Us: Conclusion

    Chosen Family God chose the Israelites out of all the people groups on earth to bring forth His plan. The temple, priest, laws and sacrifices all symbolized Gods future plan to bring salvation to all people. Gods plan always looked to Christ and salvation through Him. (Zechariah 3:8, Zechariah 6:12-13) Our & Their Flaws Despite…

  • The Israelites and Us: God’s Plan

    Gods plan was made before the foundation of the earth. To first choose a family and create a nation which in turn would birth His son Jesus, the Messiah, the savior of the world. From the Israelites came God’s plan for salvation, the way to Him for all people. (Isaiah 42:6-7) We see His plan…

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