Tag: rest

  • Have you Rested?

    In the Ten Commandments we read to observe the sabbath day. God worked creating the world and everything in it for 6 days and rested on the 7th. God commanded that the Israelites, His people, rest too. God told them to do no work on the sabbath and then He explains why the command was…

  • Hope

    No matter what we are going through there is Always Hope in Christ. He is always there for us and feels our hurt and pain. He understands and reaches out to help us and give us hope if we trust Him. Christ promised that in life there would be trials and tribulation even persecution for…

  • I’m Listening

    Have you ever felt lost? You don’t understand what God is telling you? Where He wants you to go next? Or you just feel so far away from Him. You cry out to Him but He doesn’t seem to hear you or answer you. I’ve felt that way many times before and believe me He…

  • Heavy Load?

    I am an Artist and artists have tons of supplies and tools. So when I started college I got a big Art Kit. Right away I started trying to get rid of some of the things so I wouldn’t have that entire load. I went from a very large heavy book bag (the size of…

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