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Every blessing is from God and could go away anytime, don’t take anything for granted and use everything wisely. Everything we have, everything we’re given, every moment of our time is from God and needs to be used wisely. (Ephesians 1:3)
So often we forget and take our everyday things for granted. We get so used to them that we just expect them to always be there.
Our lives are busy and fast paced, everything is just there so we become used to it.
As Christians, we are called to live with gratitude and awareness, recognizing that everything we have is a gift from God. Yet, how often do we take these gifts for granted?
Ability & Talent
All of who we are is from God. He is our creator. He created us each individually, giving us our traits, personality, strengths, abilities and talents. He handcrafted us one at a time, making us perfectly how we are to be. He wove us together. We are personally made by God. (1 Peter 4:10)
Anything we accomplish is from Him. He is the one who gives us the breath, strength, ideas, intelligence, skill, time and enables us to complete whatever it is. We can still feel accomplished and be proud of our efforts but need to be in the right perspective, humble to God for His gifts.
It is easy to forget this, easy to think it is all within ourselves. When we begin to realize this our perspective changes and our view widens. Life gets in the way. The hype and attention from the world clouds our view, but God can clear it and help us see from His perspective. The joy we find in sharing our lives with God is so much better than anything the world can give us. (1 John 2:15-17)
Taking our talents for granted can also lead to complacency. We may neglect to nurture and develop these gifts, forgetting that they are not just for our benefit but for the service of others and the glory of God and His Kingdom.
God loves to share in our accomplishments and our everyday living. We are valuable to Him and he longs to walk beside us in everything we do. He wants us to nurture and grow our gifts, not leave them stagnant. (1 Corinthians 12:4-7)
Take a moment each day to acknowledge God and appreciate His gifts to us. Think about all the ways God provides and walks with us.
Possessions & Wealth
In a materialistic society, it’s easy to equate wealth and possessions with success and happiness. Instead these things can blind us and bind us. They leave us empty. When we acquire money and things it is very easy to believe we can be self sufficient. We can become so reliant on things that we forget how fragile it all really is. It creates an unrealistic world around us. Think of all the advertisements all around us every day, all calling our attention. The world tries to convince us that we need more, when in reality less is better. It is less stress, work, worry and heartache. Jesus warns us not to store up treasures on earth but to focus on heavenly treasures. (Matthew 6:19-21, 1 Timothy 6:10)
We may take for granted the roof over our heads, the food on our tables, and the clothes we wear. Yet, all these are blessings from God meant to be used wisely and shared generously. (1 Timothy 6:18-19, Hebrews 13:16)
Possessions can create an illusion of security and self-sufficiency, leading us to forget our dependence on God. It replaces our reliance on God for our needs. It interferes with our relationship with Him. It’s okay to have things and money, but only in the right perspective. Because of our human nature we cannot view them in the right perspective without God’s help.
We should be thankful for what God has given us. Praise Him for all His provision. Think before buying and be generous with what you have, possessions and wealth. Practice generosity and give freely to those in need. Support your church’s mission and Christian organizations. The early church was very generous. God expects us to live in the same way. Provide for our neighbors, brothers and sisters in Christ, those on the street, coworkers and all those around us. This is how God meant it to work. To share what we have shows His love brings us closer together. (Acts 2:44-45)
God’s Kingdom is rich. We have everything we really need in Him. He knows our needs before we ask. He is already providing our needs and even sometimes our wants as He blesses us. (Matthew 6:32)
Jesus warns about money and possessions and the control they can have over us. We cannot serve two masters. We are rich in Him and should not store up treasures here on earth. The earth and all its things will be destroyed someday, but God’s Kingdom lasts forever. Our spiritual richness and the fruit we bear for Him in our words and actions as well as the work we do for Him are the things that last forever. (Matthew 6:24)
Time Management
Practice generosity. Give freely to those in need. The story of the widow’s mite is an illustration of this. Her small offering was valued more than larger contributions because she gave out of her poverty with a sincere heart. (Mark 12:41-44)
Our time is a gift from God. All of our days were planned by Him. He gives us each a certain amount of time on this earth. He gives 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. How are you spending your time? Are we wasting it or using it wisely?
Are we thankful or complaining? Are we building a legacy for Him and His Kingdom?
Every moment given to us is precious. We don’t know what tomorrow holds, but we know right now this minute. Time evaporates like water. Life is here and then gone. How do we hold onto it and learn to use it properly? (Psalm 90:12, Isaiah 40:6-7)
Only God can teach us to cherish our time and every moment of our lives. He can show us what we so easily miss. Ask Him and He will open your eyes.
In our busy world we are always onto the next thing. Busyness is often mistaken for productivity. We fill our schedules with endless tasks and commitments but fail to prioritize what truly matters. As we busy ourselves time rushes by us. Before we know it we are older and years seem as days as they tick by. We remember things like they were yesterday even though they happened many years ago. We wonder where the time went.
As we go about our daily lives we need to prioritize our time and how we use it. God will help us. He will change our hearts and minds to His viewpoint. In His Word He tells us to learn to number our days and that our life is here one moment and gone the next.
Prioritize time with God, family, friends and neighbors. Help those in need and take care of others and ourselves. Learn to see the need around us. Broaden your world and do productive things, but always make sure to rest a little. Don’t get caught up in busyness. Instead go where Gods Holy Spirit leads and focus on one thing at a time. Don’t go ahead of yourself. Don’t think ahead. Only look at this moment.
Seek wisdom and knowledge from God to manage your time here on earth. God will freely give us wisdom when we ask. Look to Him at the start and end of each day as well as all the hours and minutes between. Then when we look back with contentment and gratitude. (Proverbs 4:7)
Our relationships with other people are one of the greatest gifts God has given us. To have fellowship with others has many benefits both spiritually and physically. God gave us the ability to create community and partnership with each other.
When we gather together or just visit a friend or relative and have conversations and commune with them our world opens up. We see and learn other perspectives as well as can comfort and support each other. We learn we are not alone in our everyday lives and struggles. (Philippians 2:4)
It’s very easy to take our relationships for granted until they are gone. Then we realize. Let’s make time to gather together with others and find connections and community.
Neglecting relationships can lead to feelings of isolation or resentment among those we care about most deeply. Our family members or friends can feel overlooked or unappreciated because we’re too busy or distracted by other concerns.
Whether adopted or biological our families are a gift too. They should be cherished because they are the only family we have. Even if dysfunctional they are where all who Hod has placed us. We can be a light to the lost in our family. We can bring love and be a blessing to them all. (Romans 1:16)
Ask God to show you how He views your family and learn from Him. He will give you understanding and insight. He will give you wisdom to know how to relate even with difficult people or circumstances.
Spend quality time together. Share meals or activities that bring communication and common ground. Take time to know your family members and understand their history and points of view even if you don’t agree. Love and share with them.
Children are precious in Gods eyes and every child is a gift and blessing from God. Spend quality time with them. Raise them with Godly values and principles. (Matthew 19:14, Proverbs 17:6)
Engage actively in their lives. Attend school events, stoke their imagination in play, teach them with gentleness and simply listen attentively when they speak.
Hold onto the time you have with them. Create memories and never take them for granted.
God made friends as another layer of support where we can find joy and comfort. These relationships should be cherished and nurtured. (Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs 27:17)
Friendship doesn’t come easy sometimes. Sometimes relationships are strained. But with God we can work towards reconciliation. We can find forgiveness. We can offer love and compassion.
Jesus is the ultimate friend. He loves at all times. He is always there for us.
Marriage is sacred and meant for a lifetime. As Christians, two become one. Our spouses are a gift from God and our teammate in this life. Support each others and regularly kindle the love between you and your spouse. Set aside time for date nights or heartfelt conversations. (Ephesians 5:33)
Through it all treat your spouse as Christ relates to the Church, the body of Christ, as His bride. Love them as Christ loves you. Be patient, humble and gentle. (Ephesians 4:2-3)
We are told in God’s Word to work for people as though we are working for Christ. We are also told to live at peace with everyone. Our coworkers can be a blessing and we can be a blessing to them.
Even our job or career is a blessing from God. He has given us the talent, ability and opportunity to make a living.
We can create positive work relationships by showing appreciation/respect/collaboration at work. We can give our best out of gratitude for what God has done for us. (Romans 12:18)
It’s easy to become complacent in any of the areas above. We are so easily pulled other things. Our daily to dos, schedules, unexpected changes, media and other people. But if we ground ourselves in Christ and His Word we can remove the pull and focus on Him and see from His perspective. (Psalm 1:1-3, Psalm 90:12)
Gratefulness and Thankfulness
Be thankful and grateful. Rejoice in everything, even the hurt and hard times. It’s choice we make, not a feeling. God wants to show us the good in all things and be our sustainment through everything. He holds us in His hands. He loves and cares for us every day. It makes Him sad to see the bad and how it hurts and affects us, but He promises new life and someday a new heaven and earth. Meanwhile He sends blessings to us if we open our eyes and look. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Philippians 4:4, Psalm 68:19)
Living gratefully requires intentionality recognizing daily blessings instead of taking them for granted. Then we can respond accordingly through actions of love and service towards others and to God Himself!
Jesus gave thanks a lot throughout His life and ministry on earth. Let us be more like Christ and remember to give thanks. Keep this mindset and let it shape your view and how you share and use every blessing God gives you. (Colossians 3:17)
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