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Many times throughout all the laws and regulations, God calls His people to worship and give thanks. He commanded several festivals to worship, celebrate and remember all God had done for them. For example the Passover reminded them of all the miracles God did to free them from their slavery in Egypt. The Festival of Shelters, where they celebrated in homemade outside shelters, remained them of how their ancestors wondered in tents in the wilderness and how God provided for them the whole time. (Deuteronomy 16:1, Leviticus 23:41-43)
We need to take time to remember and recall what God has done for us. We should celebrate all He has done for and in us. All the ways He has helped and provided for us and all He has given us. We worship God by recalling all that He has done for us throughout our life, both in the past and presently. All the times He has helped us by comforting and strengthening us, by working things for our good, all the ways God has been there for us. Write them down to look back at to remind ourselves especially when we are down and our faith is low and it’s hard to remember what He has done.
The Israelites were told to remember and share all God did for them. To write it all down and talk of the things often. To pass them onto the next generation. When we write down or journal all God has done for us and talk about it with the next generation it helps us to be thankful and grateful to God as well as show the next generation Gods faithfulness. (Psalm 96:2-4, Psalm 78:2-8)
He gave them the Sabbath as well as Sabbath days during the festivals to rest for all the people throughout the land. This gave rest to all the Israelites and the foreigners living with them as well as the land animals. We all need rest, and in Christ we find the ultimate rest. In Christ we do not need to worry about anything, He provides for us in his great riches. But we also should take time for physical rest. God never intended for us to continuously work and toil. Rest refreshes us. It releases our mind and we can focus on him. We should find a little time everyday to rest with God. (1 Peter 5:7, Hebrews 12:2, Philippians 4:7)
The tribe of Levi was was chosen out of the 12 tribes of Israel to be the priests and to serve in the temple of the Lord. The priests specifically came from the family line of Aaron and the rest of the Levites were assigned tasks to serve in the temple, the house of God. King David assigned tasks by sacred lots so no preference was shown. In God’s house today, the church, there should be no competition in service to God. We are all the body of Christ with Him as our head, our guide. We each are given different gifts of the spirit and talents. God assigned our good works in Him long ago. We all do different things but just like the body needs every part to work correctly, we need each other to work properly as Gods church. (1 Chronicles 24:5, 1 Chronicles 24:31, 1 Chronicles 25:8, 1 Corinthians 12:12, 1 Corinthians 12:27, 1 Corinthians 1:10)
God’s Promises
God’s promises never fail. He didn’t fail the Israelites and His promises never will fail for us. God cannot lie and every promise is fulfilled. It might not be in the way you think but He is always faithful and every one is true for you. We can trust fully in His promises. We can claim each one. We can pray each one over ourselves and others. (Joshua 23:14, 2 Samuel 22:31)
David worshiped God with all his might, dancing and singing and playing instruments when moving the ark of God to Jerusalem. David did not care how he looked even though his wife, Michal, disagreed and thought he looked foolish. David said he was willing to look even more foolish for God. We should give our all for God in everything including worship and not care what others think of us. God does not look at outward appearances, but at our heart. God’s love for us should move us to give our all and worship with all our might as David did. God calls us to rejoice in everything. (2 Samuel 6:14-16, 2 Samuel 6:21-23, Habakkuk 3:17-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Philippians 4:4)
We also worship by giving our time and talents or financially. Whatever we decide in our heart to give. It is not forced but comes naturally out of a grateful heart. Giving helps us recognize and give thanks to God for His provisions. God used the tithe in the Old Testament to provide for the Levites, Gods ministers and priest, as well as for the widows, orphans, foreigners and the poor living among them. (Deuteronomy 26:10-12, 2 Corinthians 9:7)
Praise and worship God! Give Him thanks! Many Psalms give thanks and praise to God for all He did in the past and all He is doing in the present. The Israelites would recite the Psalms as a congregation in worship. We are to be grateful and have a heart of thanksgiving. Remembering all He has done for us and all He is doing. Even in trouble we are to rejoice. Rejoice in Him. He blesses us every day. We are greatly blessed in our inheritance as His children.
(Psalm 107, Psalm 112, Psalm 113, Psalm 117, Psalm 150, Romans 5:3-5)
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