Tag: church

  • One Body

    We are all part of the body of Christ. We each have a part to play in God’s plan for His Kingdom. We are to encourage and build each other up. We are to fellowship together. We are to speak the truth of God’s Word. We are to be united in Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:27)…

  • The Israelites and Us: Thanksgiving and Worship 

    Many times throughout all the laws and regulations, God calls His people to worship and give thanks. He commanded several festivals to worship, celebrate and remember all God had done for them. For example the Passover reminded them of all the miracles God did to free them from their slavery in Egypt. The Festival of…

  • Christian?

    When you think of the word Christian, what comes to mind? How do you define it? Someone who goes to church, knows a lot about God, Jesus, Christianity, has a Bible, listens to Christian music, goes to church events, has pictures of Jesus or crosses around their house, on their key chain, on their car,…

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