Looking back and holding onto the past or our mistakes and failures only holds us back from God. It keeps us from His love. It keeps us from His plan. It keeps Him from working in and through us to shine our light in the darkness and brokenness. It steals our joy.
Our Past
The things we carry from our past with us every day weigh us down. It drains our energy. It keeps us from the here and now. It’s like walking in a fog. We constantly see our past, not the present.
Things we’ve done
Over our years we all have done things we regret. We wish we could take them back. Sometimes we wonder what would have been if we would have done differently. Some things can keep us up a night and weigh very heavily on us.
Actions have consequences. Some short lived and others go a lifetime. The Bible details many things done that were regretted. From the story of the Israelites to people like Abraham, Jacob, Joseph’s brothers, Samson, David, John Mark, Peter and more. They all made decisions that had consequences. God in His love and only how He can, used it all. Only He can turn mistakes into beautiful things. He can still use us regardless of whatever we have done. (Genesis 50:20)
Things we’ve said
We have all said things we wish we hadn’t. Our emotions can come quickly sometimes. They can overwhelm us and we react. The result is hurt. We never meant to hurt the other person or people.
Words are powerful. The Bible says many things about the words we speak. Words are like weapons. Words wound. They hold weight. Our emotions take over easily and we don’t think before speaking. We are to hold our tongue, but we have no power over it. Only God can help. (Proverbs 6:2-3, Proverbs 25:11, Proverbs 16:24, Proverbs 12:18, Proverbs 17:28, James 3:2, James 3:8-10)
Our Choices & Decisions
Sometimes we make rash decisions or other times even when we think things through we can still make a wrong decision. Life is full of choices and decisions to be made.
The Bible is full of wisdom, guidance and truth to help us make better decisions. Proverbs for example offers a lot of advice on life and all it encompasses including making good godly choices. (Proverbs 21:5, Proverbs 22:17, Proverbs 15:22)
From our actions, words, choices and decisions we can feel guilt. Guilt that we didn’t think beforehand. We let our emotions take over. We were convinced we were doing the right thing at the time.
God can help us. He can take our guilt, our mistakes, our bad choices and make something good out of it. He can make something good out of us, change the circumstances, use whatever it is as part of His plan for us. God can change the outcome. (Psalms 51:9-10)
Through God we have hope. Hope to do better. Hope to change. Hope for redemption. Hope for many second chances. Christ forgives and forgets each time we ask, no matter how many times.
God wants to forgive you. He wants to forgive us and give us another chance with His help. He will forgive and give us strength and wisdom if we ask. He promises to be there for us. To help us overcome to make better choices in the things we do, words we say, and make better decisions. He alone can take away our guilt and give us a fresh start. (1 John 1:9)
Mercy, Grace & Love
God is full of love towards us. His mercies never end. He showed grace to us all on the cross. He died loving us, making a way for us to come and freely receive His mercy, grace and love. No matter what we have done, said or chose, He is there for us. No matter where we are or where we have been or found ourselves because of our past, Christ is there for you and I. (Lamentations 3:23)
The Help of Christ
He is reaching out to each of us. Whether you have been a believer for years or have recently believed, Christ offers forgiveness, hope, redemption and strength to do better through His power.
If we ask and humbly accept His guidance we will find peace and wisdom in all we do. We need to choose Him first and keep our eyes on Him in each moment and through each day, one day at a time. (1 Peter 5:6-7)
Keep Moving Forward
In n Christ we can move forward. We can start again and leave the past behind us. We can fix our eyes on Him forgetting what is behind and do here and now. (Hebrews 12:1-2)
Clean Slate
When we humbly ask for forgiveness, he is faithful every time. He forgives and gives us a clean slate each and every time. We can start again with Him. We don’t have to carry the heavy weight of our past actions, words or choices. We can let go of those things and start fresh because He will take them. He already took them. He took the weight of it all on the cross. He reaches out to give you a new beginning with Him. Jesus called all who are weary and burdened to come to Him and He will give them rest. He will exchange your heavy load for His light load of love, grace, mercy and forgiveness. (Matthew 11:28-30)
Paul’s Message
In Phil 3:12-14, Paul describes pressing on and not looking back. He speaks about himself and to all Gods children to go forward and leave the past behind us to focus on Christ and letting Him work in us.
Philippians 3:12 Not that I have already attained this—that is, I have not already been perfected—but I strive to lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus also laid hold of me.
Paul says he has not yet been perfected. None of us are perfect. We will never be until we reach Heaven. We are all a work in progress. Instead of focusing on his imperfections, Paul strove forward focusing on Christ and the work God gave him.
We can do the same. We don’t have to look back or focus on our imperfect mess and carry the weight from it. We too can strive forward in Christ into the purpose and plan He has for us, letting go of everything else that holds us back.
Philippians 3:13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have attained this. Instead I am single-minded: Forgetting the things that are behind and reaching out for the things that are ahead,
Paul is reaching out focused only on what is ahead and forgetting the past. In Christ we have forgiveness and a new start every time we ask. We too then can be single minded, focused only on what’s ahead reaching out to Christ and living His purpose for us. We can be confident and boldly move forward in our life.
Philippians 3:14 with this goal in mind, I strive toward the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
With our focus and goal on Christ, we can move forward while more clearly hearing God’s voice in our life. We can fully devote ourselves to God and what He has for us.
Keep going each day with whatever God leads you to do. Keep walking with Him. When you stumble He is faithful to forgive. He will help you along the way.
Through it all take one moment at a time with God. Move on despite failures and mistakes because God gives us a new beginning each day and every moment. Move forward in Him.
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