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God created the world and therefore created an order for it to run and be held together. If the order is disrupted or changed it will have dramatic effects on God’s created order. It will fall apart. Separation from God brings disaster.
The Beginning Goodness
In the beginning God created the world and everything in it. He made all creatures and made man in His image and likeness. When God was finished He called it good. (Genesis 1:31)
It was good. It was all it was supposed to be. God lived with His creation in perfect harmony. There was an order to the world and all was in balance. Adam and Eve enjoyed fellowship with God and He with them. All the world ran smoothly.
Even the animals lived in harmony with the Adam and Eve and with all other animals. Humans had no fear of wild animals nor were the animals afraid of humans.
The Broken Order
Then the Devil came. He tempted Eve with lies causing her to doubt God and His goodness. Adam joined in and they both rebelled against God and the created order was broken. The perfectness of creation and the harmony between God and man was gone.
The created order was now corrupted by sin. It has been being twisted to fit what we think is right ever since. Since sin entered the world things have gradually gone more and more wrong. People do as they please, the environment deteriorates, nature groans and the whole earth is affected.
As we see in the world today and in history things are falling apart. Evil keeps growing and man keeps going further away from the natural order that God made and called perfect. (Matthew 24:12)
We are rebelling and calling right wrong and wrong right. Each generation is moving farther from God and perverting what was good. What past generations would be shocked at is now normal and common place. We have become numb to many things and are going further into the depths of darkness away from God. (Isaiah 5:20)
Wars, conflicts, arguments, fights, murder, lawlessness, envy, greed, lying, stealing, slander, jealousy, adultery and immortality have plagued humanity since the beginning. It is only getting worse as we go farther from God. (James 4:1-3)
The earth and nature are decaying and natural disasters are becoming more frequent. Pollution is soaring. Weather has changed. Storms have gotten stronger. (Romans 8:22)
And this our doing through our rebellion against God. We, as humanity, chose and continue to choose to go against God and His ways. Choosing our own way. (Isaiah 24:4-5, Romans 5:20-21)
Sin took hold in our hearts and has lead us down this path which leads to destruction. There is a path, the path we are on, that seems right, but leads only to death and separation from God for eternity. (Proverbs 14:12, 16:25)
Our One & Only Hope
Nature testifies to God. It testifies to his character. It shows His love and care. It shows His creativity and attention to detail. It was all made for for us to enjoy, but do we recognize it? Or do we just see and marvel at the creation, but ignore the creator? (Romans 1:20)
Everything in our world, from God’s creation to humanity and even events within our lives and the world points to God. He is calling out to us through it all. He shows us His care, sovereignty, love and mercy. It should show us our deep need of Him and how far we have strayed. We see it all and are responsible for our response to it. Do we see and accept God or reject Him?
Only through eyes of faith can we see God in everything. Only through faith can we accept Him.
So what is our hope? What is the hope for humanity?
Jesus is our hope. He is the way, the truth, the life. (John 14:16, Romans 8:24-25)
This is why He came. To restore the order. To give us life again. He came to make a way to God that we could not make ourselves. Someday He will return and make a new earth and new heaven and restore all that sin took, all that was lost forever. (John 10:10, Isaiah 65:17, Revelation 21:1, 21:4, 21:5-6)
God loves us, His creation, more than we can imagine. He reaches out to us all the time. He gave us His spirit and His Word to teach us and show us His love for us, if we believe. His Word reveals His love, character and plan to bing us back to Him. He longs for reconciliation with us. His mercy is always extended towards us. He longs to forgive us and to tenderly teach us His ways. He does not want to see us die in our sin, but instead to come to Him and live. (Lamentations 3:22-23, Ezekiel 18:23, 2 Peter 3:9)
The choice is ours. Will we choose Him and live again or reject Him? Will we believe Jesus is the son of God who came and died in our place and took our sin? That He is victorious over death and rose to life again to save us if we believe. And someday He will return to gather His followers and reign with them. What will be our choice? What will be your choice? (Deuteronomy 30:19, Revelation 3:20)
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