Tag: heart

  • The Created Order

    God created the world and therefore created an order for it to run and be held together. If the order is disrupted or changed it will have dramatic effects on God’s created order. It will fall apart. Separation from God brings disaster. In the beginning God created the world and everything in it. He made…

  • Prayer

    Prayer, what is it? Talking to God? Does He answer? Does prayer help us? Does it benefit us? Why pray when God already knows what is on our hearts? How do we pray? When should we pray? Prayer is how we communicate with God. Our way of connecting with God. It builds our faith in…

  • Important??…It’s a matter of the Heart

    Where is your focus? Is it on God or the World? When you make decisions do you make them for God or for yourself? Are you focused on heavenly or worldly things? Are you storing up treasures in Heaven or here on earth? What are your values? What is important to you? Are you doing…

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