Tag: sin

  • The Created Order

    God created the world and therefore created an order for it to run and be held together. If the order is disrupted or changed it will have dramatic effects on God’s created order. It will fall apart. Separation from God brings disaster. In the beginning God created the world and everything in it. He made…

  • The Israelites and Us: Sin

    Without the account of the Israelites we would not have learned about sin and its damaging effects. What it can do if left unchecked. We wouldn’t have learned about man’s weakness and sin and temptation or how to trust God to overcome. We wouldn’t have understood truly why we all need a savior.  We are…

  • The Israelites and Us: God

    There are so many things we can learn about God from their journey. We see God‘s love from the beginning and how His grace and mercy were displayed continuously. Throughout their journey to the promised land they disobeyed and didn’t trust God many times, yet He faithfully lead them into the promised land. During the…

  • Hope

    No matter what we are going through there is Always Hope in Christ. He is always there for us and feels our hurt and pain. He understands and reaches out to help us and give us hope if we trust Him. Christ promised that in life there would be trials and tribulation even persecution for…

  • Meaning for Season

    Ah, it’s that time of year again, Christmas. What comes to mind when you think of Christmas? The holidays, presents, family, decorations, Christmas trees, sales, joy, red and green, Santa, memories, etc.? Or do you think of Christ, Advent, the Star, the Manger, the Wisemen, Joseph and Mary, Angels etc.? Not that the first things…

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