Tag: Plan

  • Victory: We Know the End of the Story 

    As Christians, as believers, we have victory in God. We already know the end. God has told us He will win over all the sin and evil in this world. He already has won. He defeated death, sins hold on humanity and the devil, when He died and rose again. He told what would happen…

  • Imitate: His Life, Our Life

    Jesus came and lived among us. He lived a life walking with His Father doing His Fathers will. He gave His life, obeying His Fathers will to the end. In that He made a way back to Him for all people everywhere. If we believe in Him we will be saved.  Jesus’s life was an…

  • Us Forgetful Humans

    As humans we easily forget. Humanity forgets. We easily forget God. The Israelites did, people and nations throughout history forgot God.  When troubles come we hurry to God for help, but when things are smooth we leave Him behind. We read His Word and forget it when we don’t memorize and put it into practice. …

  • Have you Rested?

    In the Ten Commandments we read to observe the sabbath day. God worked creating the world and everything in it for 6 days and rested on the 7th. God commanded that the Israelites, His people, rest too. God told them to do no work on the sabbath and then He explains why the command was…

  • The Power Source

    When we gave our lives to Christ, He gave us His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is promised to all who believe in Christ. It is our guarantee that we are in Him and have eternal life. (2nd Corinthians 1:22) Holy Spirit Jesus promised to never leave us. He promised His helper, the Holy Spirit.…

  • Perseverance, an Uphill Climb but Worth it

    Job endured many hardships in the middle of his life. He persevered and God blessed him. But in the midst of the suffering God taught Job. Sometimes life is uphill. Things are not smooth. We struggle. But in the adversity there are lessons. God uses every situation and circumstance in our life. Through them He…

  • The Israelites and Us: Conclusion

    Chosen Family God chose the Israelites out of all the people groups on earth to bring forth His plan. The temple, priest, laws and sacrifices all symbolized Gods future plan to bring salvation to all people. Gods plan always looked to Christ and salvation through Him. (Zechariah 3:8, Zechariah 6:12-13) Our & Their Flaws Despite…

  • The Israelites and Us: God’s Plan

    Gods plan was made before the foundation of the earth. To first choose a family and create a nation which in turn would birth His son Jesus, the Messiah, the savior of the world. From the Israelites came God’s plan for salvation, the way to Him for all people. (Isaiah 42:6-7) We see His plan…

  • The Israelites and Us: Gods Love and Mercy 

    Time and time again throughout the story of the Israelites God shows his love and forgiveness. From the beginning, from creation He was and still is involved with his creation. He cares deeply about each of us.  God’s Love & Mercy in the Bible He comforted Sarah’s servant, Hagar, when she ran away because of…

  • The Israelites and Us: Sin

    Without the account of the Israelites we would not have learned about sin and its damaging effects. What it can do if left unchecked. We wouldn’t have learned about man’s weakness and sin and temptation or how to trust God to overcome. We wouldn’t have understood truly why we all need a savior.  From Birth…

  • The Israelites and Us: God

    There are so many things we can learn about God from their journey. We see God‘s love from the beginning and how His grace and mercy were displayed continuously. Throughout their journey to the promised land they disobeyed and didn’t trust God many times, yet He faithfully lead them into the promised land. During the…

  • The Israelites and Us: Introduction

    The Old and New Testament are all part of God’s plan – from beginning to end. The isrealites symbolize us in many ways. Without their record of their journey with God, their sin and disobedience, their triumphs and victories. we wouldn’t have an example to learn from and would repeat history. It is a writen account,…

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