Tag: Salvation

  • The Created Order

    God created the world and therefore created an order for it to run and be held together. If the order is disrupted or changed it will have dramatic effects on God’s created order. It will fall apart. Separation from God brings disaster. The Beginning Goodness In the beginning God created the world and everything in…

  • Complicated?

    The gospel is very simple:  God sent his son Jesus Christ to save us. We are sinners, rebellious towards God from birth. Christ died in our place and took our sin and punishment. Then he was resurrected and lives again to save those that believe in Him. Only repentance and belief/faith is needed, nothing else.…

  • Praise the Lord!!!!

    Have you ever thought of All you are blessed with? Have you ever thought of everything God has given you? We may not feel that we are blessed a lot, but we are and as His children we should thank Him everyday! He has given us SO Much Freely because of His love for us.…

  • Meaning for Season

    Ah, it’s that time of year again, Christmas. What comes to mind when you think of Christmas? The holidays, presents, family, decorations, Christmas trees, sales, joy, red and green, Santa, memories, etc.? Or do you think of Christ, Advent, the Star, the Manger, the Wisemen, Joseph and Mary, Angels etc.? Not that the first things…

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