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Whether you just believed in Christ today or recently or years ago, do you know what God wants you specifically to be doing with your life for His Kingdom and purpose?
When we start out in our walk with God we are full of energy and enthusiasm for Christ. Lots of times unfortunately we can loose or lessen our enthusiasm over time. We let life get in the way. Sometimes we return to old habits or we let the world around us influence us. But God has a plan for each of us, an important part only we can play in His Kingdoms work on earth. We were made for something special. (Jeremiah 3:22, Luke 8:16)
God’s Special Tasks for Us
God wants our full undivided attention. He wants wholehearted followers devoted to Him. He wants to teach and guide us. He wants to show us His Kingdom and His perspective. To lead us into His plan for us. (Deuteronomy 5:29, 1 Kings 8:61, 2 Corinthians 11:3, Psalm 119:1-3, Psalm 119:4-8)
He longs to fellowship with us. To walk with us in everything no matter how small or big. God cares about every detail of our lives. It’s His love for us that He cares for us down to each moment and all each one encompasses.
He tells us in His Word that He has planned our days and given each of us tasks to do for His Kingdom. As His children we are set apart and gifted by His Spirit to do the work He planned long ago. He has given each of us everything we need to complete our purpose in His Kingdom. (Psalm 139:13-15, Psalm 139:16-18, 1 Corinthians 6:11, Ephesians 2:10)
Seeking Our Purpose
Many times we look for our purpose in the wrong place. We pick our purpose based on our own thoughts without consulting God. We make our own plans. We can even think we are led by God, but really it’s our own choices.
We also have the notion that somehow our purpose will jump out at us. So we wait and look and strive but never really do anything because we are looking for the big thing.
We can get sidetracked and lose sight of our walk with Him. But He is patient and gently nudges us. (Psalm 103:8)
When we were saved, when we believed, God started a work in us. He will bring it to conclusion when He returns whether it happens in our lifetime or not. The effects of our work for Him continue on after we leave this earth and are with Christ. They go on to the next generations. (Philippians 1:6)
When Christ returns He will make all things new, concluding His Work for we will be perfected and be like Him. We will see and understand how all our lives worked together and how each person’s part fit into His Kingdom. (1 Corinthians 13:9-10, 1 Corinthians 13:12, 1 John 3:2-3)
How Do We Find Our Purpose?
One day, one moment at a time while keeping our focus on Him. It’s not a magic formula or single moment that it is revealed to us. It is following God one step at a time. Every moment we can follow God and find His will for each day, moment, hour. It is only revealed to us when we just simply follow God. Seek Him continually throughout each day and follow each step He shows you. Obey and trust Him. Then you will find your purpose, the part God has for you in His Kingdom.
It’s hard. We want control. We want to know the answers, to understand His direction and the steps He gives us. Only He can see the big picture. Gradually as w let Him lead our life He will strengthen our faith and trust in Him. He will give us His view and teach us gently that He really does know what is best for us and we don’t need control or answers. He has complete control and rules our lives with His love, compassion, kindness and mercy. (Ephesians 2:4-5, Ephesians 2:6-7)
When we center our focus on Him and seek His Kingdom first we find true life in Him. We will find everything we need. He promises to provide for us if we continually seek Him. As we focus on Him and obey His guidance we will find His peace and love surrounding us. (Matthew 6:33, Psalm 105:4)
Doing His Will
His will is not a person, place, thing, mission. nation or anything else. It’s not centered on something. It is not confined to time either. It’s wherever His Spirit leads and it’s eternal.
One moment He may lead us here or there, to this or that. His will for us happens in everyday life. His Word says His Spirit is like the wind, constantly moving and working out Gods Will on earth. His Spirit will lead us into all truth. (John 3:8, John 16:13)
We don’t have to strive and search for His will for us. We don’t have to wonder or question. We don’t even have to wait. God’s will is right here in front of us now. There are times God will tell us to wait, but that doesn’t mean we sit on the sidelines. While God is preparing us and the way for another part of His plan for us, there are plenty of other things we can accomplish for His Kingdom right now. He will show us if we ask and humbly walk with and obey Him.
There may be big things He wants us to do, but that is only one part of His purpose for us. We should not get stuck on it, but keep walking with Him and let Him show you in the here and now. God cares as much about the big things as He does the small everyday moments and details.
God knows how to weave every part together. He planned the part and purpose He has given you to fit perfectly in the puzzle of His plan and Kingdom.
Going Forward in Him
As we humbly walk with Him we need to make sure we are paying careful attention to His guidance. He knows the best path to accomplish His will for us. If we go the wrong way and don’t heed His instruction to us to a T the results won’t be the best.
God made things to work a certain way. He made a specific purpose for you in a specific way to have the best results for His Kingdom. God does know best and if we let Him fully control our path we will see the wonderful results and way He works in all things. He will amaze us and humble us. We will live the abundant life He wants each of us to have. We will grow and mature in Him. We will take a journey with Him through His love and His eyes, going on a great adventure with Him. His Word says no one knows what God has planned for those who wholeheartedly follow Him. (1 Corinthians 2:9, John 10:10)
There will be times, even many times we will go our own way and leave His path. The key is that as soon as we realize we should choose to return to Him again. To trust Him and come to Him for mercy and forgiveness and continue on beside Him. To let Him guide again and choose to obey His will for that moment and going forward. (Proverbs 8:17, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Lamentations 3:22-23)
To always keep ourselves humble in His strength. On our own we can do nothing.
God is our strength. He will enable us to do what He calls us to do for Him. (2 Timothy 3:17)
Doing His will shouldn’t feel forced or like work and striving to complete. It should bring us joy and fit into the natural abilities that God has given us. (1 Peter 4:10-11)
One day at a time with God is how it was meant to be. That doesn’t mean we can’t plan, but we must always be open to His guidance and changes in plans. Start each day with God, giving Him the day and trusting Him. End each day with God, thanking Him for His guidance and help for the day. (1 Peter 3:15)
Following wherever He leads brings freedom and contentment. It fills us with joy knowing our work is eternal. It is not in vain and God will reward us in Heaven and on earth. As we continually seek and look to Him we will find ourselves in the middle of His plan. We will see it unfolding around us in everyday life. It is wonderful to watch God work through us as we live out our purpose in His Kingdom. (Hebrews 12:1-2)
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