The Israelites and Us: Conclusion

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God chose the Israelites out of all the people groups on earth to bring forth His plan. The temple, priest, laws and sacrifices all symbolized Gods future plan to bring salvation to all people. Gods plan always looked to Christ and salvation through Him. (Zechariah 3:8, Zechariah 6:12-13)

Despite all the flaws of the Israelites God used them greatly. He brought about the salvation of the world, to all people, all nations through them. God wants to use us as we are, but also in His love He wants to restore us, build us up and make us more like Him. He wants to draw us closer to Him to make us what He planned for us in Him for His kingdom before the foundation of the world. (Psalm 106)

It’s so easy to look at the story of the Israelites and think that we would never do those things, we would never be or act the same way. We are just the same. We are just as fallible and mistake ridden. We are hot and then we are cold for God or worse lukewarm. Thank God His mercy and grace never run out! He wants to forgive and heal. He knows what is best so we should trust Him fully. (Psalm 78, Psalm 103:8-13, 1 Corinthians 10:12)

We see God keeps all His promises. He is faithful in everything. We just need to ask. Seek Him in all things. Talk to Him about everything. He wants us to pour our heart out to Him. He longs to listen and draw close to us. (Psalm 136, Lamentations 3:22-23, Psalm 142)

God longs for us to wholeheartedly follow Him. He called the Israelites to wholehearted fellowship with Him. (Deuteronomy 5:29, Deuteronomy 6:3-9, Psalm 119:1-8)

He wants us to live our lives in righteousness. He called the Israelites to do good and live right lives following Him. We are called through Christ to live justly and imitate His life as we live as children of God. (Zechariah 7:8-10, Zechariah 8:15-17, Philippians 2:12-15)

Through Christ we can live and work together for His kingdom. As His children we are called to live in harmony with each other. To love each other and think of others needs before ourselves. (Ephesians 4:2-3)

We should read, meditate on and memorize Gods Word. That is how we learn Gods ways and keep from falling into sin. It is how we filter all we in the world to discern truth from lies and Gods will for us. God commanded the Kings of Israel to have a copy of the laws read to them daily. He commanded a reading of the laws to the Israelites every 7 years. The levites were His ministers and they were commanded to teach the Israelites the laws continuously.  We have His word as our guide to His ways. That is why He gave it to us as well as His Holy Spirit. How would we learn and grow in Him any other way? (Deuteronomy 11:18–21, Deuteronomy 32:45-47, Joshua 1:8, Psalm 119:9-16, 1 Peter 1:24-25)

Relying on God, fixing our eyes on Him. Only through Him can we trust and obey Him. Not on our own through our own efforts. Rest in Him and let Him lead. (Micah 6:8, Psalm 118:8, Psalm 23, Galatians 5:22-26 John 16:13)

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