Victory: We Know the End of the Story 

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As Christians, as believers, we have victory in God. We already know the end. God has told us He will win over all the sin and evil in this world. He already has won. He defeated death, sins hold on humanity and the devil, when He died and rose again. He told what would happen in the future to His disciples when He walked the earth. He revealed His ultimate victory to one of His disciples after He had returned to Heaven.  (Revelation 1:1)

Sometimes we doubt. We can’t see beyond the clouds around us. The lies surrounding us seem so true. We don’t understand and nothing makes sense. So we question God and ourselves.

We need to remember God is sovereign. He is completely in control of all. He knows today, tomorrow, next week, one month, year, and decade from now. He sees the big picture and how it all fits together. He is working it all out. He will win. We will win through Him.

God is writing His story. He tells of Himself through nature. He shows the world through us. His story ends in victory. 

God has the victory in all things. Over all our life. Over all our circumstances and situations. Over all the occurrences in our life. God reigns over all. He allows things even when it makes Him sad. But throughout it all He is working things together for us. He feels along with us. He grieves with us, He rejoices with us.

Jesus endured rejection, grief, loneliness and eventually suffered torture, pain and death at the hands of His people. But He trusted and followed Gods plan for His life even though it meant those things. Jesus knew the outcome. He knew the victory in the end. (Hebrews 12:1-3)

We too can endure because we know the victory. God is with us in everything always. He told us to not be surprised at the hardships in this life, but to have Hope in Him because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33)

Jesus defeated death. He gives us victory over sin. We as believers have the power to choose through Him. The hold of sin which led to spiritual death and separation from God, no longer is our outcome. (1 Corinthians 15:56-57)

God has our future. He has victory in our life. The plans He has are for our good, not harm. He wants to give us a future and a hope through His victory. (Jeremiah 29:11)

We have hope. We don’t grieve as others do. We know what comes after life here on earth if we believe. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14)

As children of God we are a new creation. The old nature is gone. He has given us victory over it. We no longer have to live under its power. We no longer have to give into its desires. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The world can pressure us to be like it, but we have victory. Jesus can help us overcome the pressures of this world and have hope in Him. The news can be depressing, but Gods Good News brings the relief we need. (1 John 5:5)

Jesus has victory over our emotions. We can release them to Him. He has victory over all we do and say. How we react and even our thoughts. In teaching us how to act and speak as His children, God will give us victory over bad habits, wrong choices, anger and rage, jealousy, hate, gossip and anything else that is not of God. (Romans 12:2, Galatians 5:19-21, Galatians 5:22-25)

In everything we face, God can give us victory if we ask Him. He is there for us. He cares. He loves us. That’s why He came and died for us and rose again in victory so we can live in victory.

We know the end. God has already written it and given it to us. We can trust His Word. We can trust His promises. We can stand in victory over everything through Him. (Revelation 22:12-13)

Because of this whatever we encounter we can be confident and walk with Him. We can go forward into a future with hope. The hope of Him. In some things we may not see victory here on earth, but we can trust in His victory in Heaven. (Romans 8:24, Romans 8:28, Romans 8:31, Romans 8:37)

When Jesus returns He will set all straight and have final victory. He will bring a new earth and a new Heaven. He is making all things new, even now. He is gathering His children, changing hearts all over the globe, bringing reconciliation to Himself for all of humanity. He is telling His story through His Word and the lives of His children everywhere. It is all leading to victory. (2 Corinthians 5:18-19, Revelation 21:5)

Hold tight to this knowledge and promise. He is always faithful. He will bring victory. So go forth in Him, trusting and following Him. We know the end victory. We know the victory today. (Ephesians 6:10)

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