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There are so many things we can learn about God from their journey. We see God‘s love from the beginning and how His grace and mercy were displayed continuously. Throughout their journey to the promised land they disobeyed and didn’t trust God many times, yet He faithfully lead them into the promised land. During the journey He provided all the way. He provided their daily needs for food and clothing.
Throughout the Old Testament God delivered and rescued Israel time after time even though time after time they rebelled against God and walked away from Him, sinning against Him. God did punish them for their disobedience, but never let them be completely destroyed. He always saved a remnant, even when he exiled them because of their sin. He rescued them out of His great love, mercy and grace. When they rebelled He never abandoned them, always offering forgiveness with open arms. He kept his promises to them and used them to offer the world forgiveness and a way to Him through His son Jesus Christ. God always keeps His promises to us. He is faithful even when we are not. God kept His promises to the Israelites and He will keep His promises to us. (Deuteronomy 4:31, 1 Kings 8:56, 2nd Kings 13:23, 2, Jeremiah 5:18, 1 Timothy 2:13)
God went with the Israelites into their battles. He went before them, and promised to be with them always. He gave victory to the Israelites in their battles. God goes with us into every situation. He fights for us and gives us ultimate victory through Him. (Deuteronomy 20:3–4, Deuteronomy 31:6, Joshua 1:9, 1 Samuel 5:19, 24, Isaiah 41:10-13)
Because of God’s holiness and the seriousness of sin, we see Gods judgment. His judgment on the sin of Israel and surrounding nations. God always judges fairly and He punished the Israelites many times for their sins, but He never left them. He disciplines us as well, but He never leaves us and always offers forgiveness. He disciplined the Israelites because he loves them and the same goes for us. Discipline is an important part in our relationship with God. It helps us learn and grow in Him. (Psalm 3:12, Hebrews 12:10-11, Isaiah 12:1-2)
The law was given to them. Rules and regulations on how to conduct and deal with things in life. It showed right living and how to navigate life and live in justice and mercy. The law was perfect, but they were not. We are not. God’s holiness demands perfect obedience. He is Holy and Perfect. The law showed them and shows us just how sinful and how far from holiness we really are. It condemns us. It shows us our sin. Without it we would not know our sin and how deep it is in within us. (Hebrews 7:11, Romans 7:7-8)
The law shows us right from wrong. Gods commands give a boundary. In His love God set boundaries for us just like a loving parent does for their children. He knows what is best and longs for us to trust Him. (Romans 5:13)
Since we are not perfect and can’t obey the law perfectly, why did God give the law? It was a guide until Christ came. Christ fulfilled the law by being sinless. He obeyed it perfectly. (Galatians 3:23-26)
Once we understand that, the law should convict us of our sin and therefore show us our helplessness to save ourselves and need for an intermediary between God and us. That bridge is God’s son Jesus Christ. The law was to guide until He came. It looked forward to His coming. (Isaiah 45:22)
Therefore the law establishes our need for a savior. We needed to know our sinfulness in order to realize our need for a savior. (Romans3:19-20, Romans 7:8-9, Romans 7:11, Romans 7:24–25, Romans 5:20-21, James 2:10)
God’s Plan
The sacrificial system of the tabernacle and later the temple with all the rooms and furnishings was a foreshadowing of Christ. It showed the cost of sin and the remedy for it, the giving of another life. It pointed to the final sacrifice of Christ. He was put to death for our sin so that He could save us. He paid the price for us so we had a way to Him. We should always remember the cost for our sin. Jesus’s sacrifice of His life and the suffering He went through for us should never be forgotten or taken lightly or for granted. (1 Peter 1:18-19, Hebrews 8:5-6, Hebrews 8:9, Hebrews 10:1)
In response and gratitude we should live wholeheartedly for Christ and become living sacrifices for Him. Doing not our will but His and letting Him live through us. (Romans 12:1)
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