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The kingdom of God is not at all like the world. God’s kingdom is the opposite of the world. The priorities, thoughts, ways, views, patterns, beliefs and characteristics are completely different.
God created the world in harmony with His kingdom. Sin took that away.
But as God’s children we are to live and think differently. It doesn’t come naturally, only through the power of the Holy Spirit living in us. Through prayer and submitting to His spirit our thoughts and actions can be changed to reflect Him. (Romans 12:2, 1 Corinthians 2:14-15, 1 Corinthians 2:16)
Rejoice Always
(Philippians 4:4, Matthew 5:11-12, Romans 12:12)
We are to rejoice always no matter our situation or circumstances, no matter our feelings or what we see in front of us. Our joy should be tied to Jesus, our Lord, not our surroundings. It’s a choice we can make everyday. That’s hard though, especially in a world that says its okay to complain and we have a right to grumble. But when we see from Gods perspective through prayer and His Word while trusting Him, we will see our world differently.
We can rejoice in God and all he has done for us. He has saved us, cares for us, strengthens us, and always is faithfully there for us. He understands and sympathizes with us. He is in complete sovereign control over everything in our lives. If we have given ourselves to Him and walk with Him, He is working everything somehow for our good even if we don’t understand at times. One day in heaven we will be rewarded greatly. Here on earth He blesses us even in the midst of hard times. We have a lot to rejoice about. It is a choice we make no matter what is going on around us. Pray and ask for guidance and wisdom to walk through every day. He will freely give it. In thankfulness we can rejoice in Him.
First is Last & Last is First
(Matthew 9:12, Matthew 19:30, Matthew 20:16, Luke 13:30, Mark 9:15, Mark 10:31, 1 Corinthians 1:27-28, Like 14:16-18, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:31-32, Luke 14:19-21, Luke 14:22-24, Matthew 6:33)
This is how it is in the Kingdom of God. It’s not the honored, influential, famous, renowned, wealthy and powerful that inherit the Kingdom of God. Instead it is the poor, humble, meek, crippled, lame, sick, unwanted, overlooked and uneducated. He invites regular, ordinary, everyday people to come and be a part of His Kingdom. God chose the ones the world ignores. He invited the whole world but the rich and powerful ignored it, so God invited the lowly and meek. He came for those of us who realize we are spiritually sick and lost. Not those that that are prideful and think they are righteous. Humbleness is first, pridefulness is last.
Seek God first everyday throughout the day. Pray often. Ask Him for help to seek and choose Him first. He will rearrange your priorities and help you see from Heavens perspective. When we choose Him first we will live in His peace and joy. His peace passes all understanding. The joy of salvation will be ours. When we walk with Him through each day, He helps and strengthens us for the journey with Him.
Be a Servant
(Matthew 20:25-26, Matthew 20:26-28, Matthew 23:11-12, Luke 22:26, John 15:12, John 13:34-35, Matthew 5:46-48, Luke 6:35-36, Ephesians 4:31-32, Ephesians 5:1-2)
Jesus came to serve not to be served. He came to give His life for us to make a way to Him. Yet He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He was fully human like us, but also fully God. Holy, eternal, powerful yet, humble, servant, full of mercy and love. He calls us to be the same. We are to love others as He loves them, as He loves us. We are to put others first, their needs above our own. To live just as He did. He modeled it for us.
When we read His Word, we learn His ways. Through prayer we can learn to love and see others through His eyes. Even those it is challenging to love. Even those who have hurt us. Jesus said to love, pray for and bless them. God gives rain and sunshine and life to both the wicked and the righteous. This is not accomplished by our own efforts or strength. It can only be done through God’s help, through His spirit. Little by little we can learn to love others by realizing the love God has and extends towards us even though we still sin and rebel against Him. Then we can have a heart of a servant to others. We will see their needs, their burdens, their brokenness. Just like we are and like we were before knowing Christ. We are really all the same. God longs for all to know Him and calls us to have His heart of love towards all.
Be Like a Child
(Matthew 18:3-5, Matthew 19:14, Luke 18:16-17)
God says to enter the Kingdom of God we must become like children. Why? Children are simple and trusting. They follow and learn from the adults around them, for good or bad. Jesus is the good teacher, the good shepherd. He wants to teach us His ways. We can’t learn from Him unless we humble ourselves like a child. Children are precious to God. He says the kingdom of God belongs to them and warns us if we as adults draw them away from Him through our actions.
We are to humble ourselves everyday like a child. Let God teach us. Trust Him and obey what He shows us. As adults we can think we know everything and we can also become cynical about our world. Children are not like that. They are innocent and curious. They are hopeful and resilient.
If we believe then Jesus is our Father. He is our parent. He truly knows what is best for us. He created us and knows us better than we know ourselves. Through His spirits’ help we can humble ourselves and become like a child. Teachable, trusting, hopeful, listening children of God. Let Him lead and guide us each day. We will see He knows best and trust Him the more He shows us.
Be a Part of Gods Kingdom
(Matthew 7:7-9, Luke 11:9-10, Romans 10:9-11, Revelation 3:20)
We don’t have to do anything other than believe to receive God‘s gift of salvation. If we believe and therefore are His children, let us let Him change our view to His. He is waiting and longs to show us His Kingdom.
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