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As humans we easily forget. Humanity forgets. We easily forget God. The Israelites did, people and nations throughout history forgot God.
When troubles come we hurry to God for help, but when things are smooth we leave Him behind.
We read His Word and forget it when we don’t memorize and put it into practice.
We forget our journey with Him and all He has done for us. We forget the past and His love and faithfulness towards us.
We can even forget it was Him who saved us and has helped and sustained us in our life. We start thinking somehow we contributed to our salvation and we live by our own strength and endurance.
Continually we need to be taught the same lessons over and over again. We forget His faithfulness. We forget His goodness. So He teaches us again.
As we grow in Him and walk with Him, He is always teaching and showing us things, new and old. We are always learning if we are paying attention.
His Word
Do we read His Word? If we do, does it change us? Does it challenge us? Do we memorize it? Do we put it into practice? Do we rely on the spirits help to understand and obey it? We may read it, but it could just be words and no other depth than that. Gods word is living. Gods word is speaking to us.
His Word is essential. It is God instructions to us. How to live, love, relate to others, care for others and Gods creation, the world we live in. It shows us how to live our lives as His children. Gods Word is His love letter to us. He wants us to read, know and understand it. He doesn’t want us to regard it carelessly. It should be very important to us.
We can read it and forget what we just read if we don’t study it. If we don’t take time to evaluate what we read and ask God to show its meaning to us and how we can learn and apply it to our lives now, we will forget it. Every time we read it, we can learn something new. It is a treasure waiting to be discovered.
When we learn from it, His Word sticks in our hearts. The more we apply it, the more we remember it. When hard times come or just in our everyday lives we can remember and be strengthened by His Word. When things go good and everything seems right we should not forget it, but remember it is all from God and be thankful. In hard times we should be grateful too, because even in our suffering He is there, His Word is our lamp to light the way. He rewards those who endure and persevere through Him.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17, Isaiah 40:8, Proverbs 7:1, Proverbs 2:1-5, Psalm 119:162, Matthew 6:21, Luke 11:28, James 1:22, James 1:23-24, Psalm 119:11, Psalm 119:16, Psalm 119:35, Psalm 119:105, 2 Chronicles 15:7, Matthew 24:13, James 1:12)
His Promises
Gods Word is full of His promises to us. They are true and can be counted on. God is faithful and true to His Word.
We can and should memorize them. We can hold and claim them in our lives. We can pray them over ourselves and others. We can fully trust God and His claims. They can be rays of hope and strength for us to cling to anytime in our life. They should be precious to us.
God promises to always be there for us. To always be beside us and in our corner. To be our encourager, coaching us with love throughout our lives, through everything. He is always there even in the dark nights of suffering. He loves us so much. He created us and knows us better than we know ourselves. He is goodness and hope. His promises can be healing balm to us when life is hard. He promises ro never leave no matter what. We can always run to Him. He will be there. He will be our help, hope, and strength. He will give us victory through Him.
His mercy and grace are new each day. Each day is a chance for forgiveness and reconciliation. He longs to show us His love. He longs to embrace us again. No matter what we have done or how long we have been away or running from Him, He is ready and running towards us. He never wanted separation from His creation so He made a way back through Christ. Jesus took our sin on Himself so we can be forgiven and free in Christ.
He promises to work everything for our good, if we are walking in Him. No matter what happens He is in complete control. He is working it all out, working it all together for our benefit. We just need to trust His ways. He knows and cares. He is working out every detail, every puzzle piece of our lives to fit perfectly together.
God promises to protect, love, be gracious, help, hold, strengthen, keep, provide and much more through His Word. Let’s read it today and discover more of Him.
(1 Corinthians 1:9, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Hebrews 13:5, Matthew 28:20, John 16:33, Lamentations 3:22-23, Luke 15:11-12, Luke 15:13-14, Luke 15:15-19, Luke 15:20-21, Luke 15:22-24, Romans 8:28)
His Blessings
God blesses us richly. He freely gives. Each day there are new reasons to be thankful to Him. Do we think of all the blessings He has given us? Or don’t we give them a second thought?
His blessings are numerous. He blesses both the righteous and the wicked. For God loves all people. His blessings can become a light that leads to Him if people recognize His blessings. His blessings can become witnesses against others if they don’t recognize Him.
Obedience to Him brings more blessings. His children are greater blessed. We are inheritors of His Kingdom. We have His Holy Spirit which He gave us when we believed as a confirmation of salvation. One day we will rule with Him. He is coming back for us. He is preparing a place, a house for us in His Kingdom. We have God at our side always ready and fighting for us. He goes before us in our everyday struggles. Through Him we have victory over everything. We can overcome through His strength. We just need to ask and rely on Him. We can fully trust Him.
God loves all people. They are His creation and He blesses us all, all the time. He longs for His creation to know Him. He gives sunshine and rain, the beauty and wonder of nature, friends, family, hope, comfort, needs, and a new day everyday to start or try again. God delights in blessing us. He wants the wicked to return to Him so He can bless them more too.
Even in tough times we are blessed. He is there for us. He sympathizes and understands us. He cares. He feels and knows our hurt because He was human too. He was tested and tried too. He will never give us too much that we can’t handle it with Him. He will never let us down.
Throughout our life God has and will continue to bless us as we walk with Him. He will never give up on us no matter how far we may stray from Him. His love for us will draw and call us back. Listen to Him today.
We always have something to be thankful for from God. He saved us and is always there for us. He is continuously and graciously blessing us each day and moment of our lives. Look for His blessings. Remember them. Write them down. Look back at them and look forward with Hope.
(Matthew 5:44-45, Romans 1:20, Romans 12:20-21, 2 Corinthians 1:22, Psalm 112:2, James 1:25, Colossians 3:4, Colossians 3:24, Ephesians 1:3, Ephesians 1:11-14, 1 Peter 1:3-4, John 14:2-4, 1 Corinthians 15:57-58, Ezekiel 18:23, Hebrews 4:14-16, 1 Corinthians 10:13)
His Help in the Past
God has always been there for us. If we look back at our lives through faith we can see His help in all things.
He goes before us. He prepares a way and fights our battles. He caries and holds us. He knows and understands our needs. He is already working things out.
We should be able to look back across our life and see how God helped, provided and was there for us. When we remember we learn about God. We learn about His love and faithfulness. We see His care and provision for us. Then our faith and trust in Him grow.
When we face problems and issues we can rely on Him. We can lean on His strength and guidance. We recall His help in the past and can apply that to our present.
The more we trust Him the deeper and stronger our faith will become. He loves to show us His care. He uses each thing, good or bad, in our lives to mold and form us and work every piece together somehow for our good. We just need to ask. He will faithfully reach out and help.
Our past with Him can give us confidence for the future. If we keep a record of how God helped us in the past we can trust Him easily. We can remember and go to Him in faith for everything in our daily life. We can bring Him anything whether small or big problems, struggles, pains, sorrows and whatever else we need. He will listen and care for us.
(Psalms 68:19, Deuteronomy 31:6, Psalm 77:11-12, Psalm 55:22, Psalm 56:9-11, 1 Peter 5:7, Philippians 4:13, Mark 8:16-18, Mark 8:19-21)
His Faithfulness
God is faithful. He cannot lie. His promises and help are true. He can be counted on. His timing is always right.
We can see His faithfulness throughout our lives when we think back to all the ways He has helped us. He will continue to do the same. We just need to ask and rely on Him. His care never ends. No matter what we have done He is there with open arms. He always welcomes us back.
His love knows no end. It’s overwhelming when you think and realize all God has done in His love towards us. He came and died a criminals death in the most torturous method of the time, so that we could have life in Him. So we could be saved. He could not stand living apart from us. He rose again in victory so we can overcome anything through Him.
As we live in Him, he helps us whenever we ask. He is there for us. To pour our hearts, our thoughts and feelings out to Him anytime. He wants to converse with us. To show us His love, teach us His ways and just be and live through us in our everyday lives.
Throughout the Bible whenever anyone prayed for help God was there. He always answered. Many promises of God are about His faithfulness. It is even sung about by the Israelites and the people of God around God’s throne at the end of the world when the believers are gathered.
He is the the most faithful friend, brother, and father. He always comes running. It may not be the timing we want or way we imagined, but He is coming and is there for us in a heartbeat. He reaches down for us. He caries us and cares for us each day. He will reach you wherever you are.
He is the same today, yesterday and always. He won’t change. He will always be there for us. He has promised to be with believers to the end of the world. He promised never to leave or forsake us.
(Psalm 42:5, Psalm 57:10, Psalm 136:1-3, Romans 8:38-39, Ephesians 3:17-19, Psalm 33:20-22, Psalm 136, Revelation 15:3-4, Proverbs 18:24, Hebrews 13:8)
His Provision
We are rich in Christ. He is our source of hope, peace, and love. We really have all we need in Him. He is our salvation. He is our guide. He is our protector and comfort. He is our strength and help in times of trouble.
He freely gives. He delights in giving good things to His children. Every day He provides for us. We can trust Him. He goes before us and knows exactly what we need. He provides our needs constantly.
God promises to provide our needs. He will give us what we need at the right time. We just need to seek Him. If we keep focused on Him we will have everything we need, nothing more, nothing less. Even when we stumble or go our own way, we can look to Him again and He will provide what we need.
Jesus told the crowds that followed Him to not worry about their needs. They will be met if we seek first the Kingdom of God. We should take note that in nature, the flowers, animals and all things are taken care of by God. How much more valuable are we? If God takes care of them, surely He will care and provide for us.
He knows our needs before we ask. Prayer is more than just communication with God. It helps us recognize Him as our provider and gives us a release. We bring our needs to Him and trust and believe He will meet them. We are told to not be anxious about anything, but to pray about everything. To rejoice and be thankful for all He has done and trust Him for what He will do for us.
We can let worry weaken us or lean on Him and let Him strengthen our faith. We will be amazed at His provision and care. We don’t deserve it, but He loves us no matter what we do or have done. He will always accept us back and help us. We are a His children if we believe and He cannot forsake us.
God is good and will always provide our needs. We are to just focus on Him, trust Him and seek Him first. When we loose our focus we can always turn back to His open arms.
(Matthew 7:11, Matthew 6:25-26, Matthew 6:27-29, Matthew 6:30-32, Matthew 633-34, Matthew 6:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:6-18, Philippians 4:6-7, Philippians 4:19)
His Goodness
God is good. God is love. When we submit to God and follow Him we see His goodness towards us and others. He is good to all, whether they see it or not. His nature is good.
God delights in doing good. He loves us and cherishes us. He wants the best for us. He wants to help turn bad into good. He wants to make us like Him, to give us His heart and mind. Then we can see and feel the world as He does. We can be a witness to His character and show Gods goodness to others.
God made the world and it was good. Then sin came and God put into action His good plan of salvation. To come to us and be the final sacrifice to save those who believe. He couldn’t leave us as we were, stuck in the mud and filthy from our sin. He chose to reach out to us in His goodness.
Everyday He is reaching out to us in His goodness. He wants to Help us. He has compassion on us. He understands our temptations, our need and has mercy on us. He longs to draw us to Himself. To share His Kingdom with us. To take our burdens and carry them for us. To give us a His light and love. To strengthen and lead us in the right path of His ways.
Gods goodness can be seen throughout history and our lives. When we consider the good work God has done throughout the world from the beginning of time until now, we can only be amazed at His goodness. Ask God to show you and He will. Praise God for a His goodness, His character and all He is and has done.
(John 4:8, Ezekiel 3:26-27, Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 2:16, 2 Corinthians 4:16, Philippians 2:5, Ephesians 4:23, Genesis 1:31, Ephesians 2:4-5, Titus 3:6-7, Matthew 11:28)
His Teaching
As we walk with Him, He will teach us His ways. He will always show us new things but will reiterate what He has already taught us.
Sometimes we need to learn again what we’ve already been taught. We can forget easily. As life sometimes gets in the way we lose focus on God. So He reaches out to us and draws us back. Sometimes He has to be drastic to get our attention again. He does everything out of His love for us.
His Word and His spirit teach us His ways. If we listen closely we will learn. Each time we read His Word or just spend time communing with God in prayer or other activities is a chance to learn more about Him. To draw closer to Him and see Him more clearly.
We will never be done learning from Him. We will always be growing in Him until He returns for us. We may think at times that we have learned and know a lot about Him, but that is when He will open up a new area, a new part of Himself to us. He wants us to keep going with Him. He doesn’t want us to be stagnant in Him. He longs to continue to teach and show us more of Himself. When we let Him we will be amazed.
We should record, write down and think about the things God teaches us. Write down all He has done for us, the ways He has helped up through our lives. Remember them and hold them close. When times are tough and it is hard to see, hard to remember we can look back through the record we kept and see How far God has brought us and remember what He has taught us so we can have hope in dark times. We can even rejoice. We know God is right beside us helping us.
(Psalm 86:11, John 16:13, Romans 15:4, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 1:9-12, 2 Peter 3:18)
Don’t Forget
God is the one that does it all. He loves, cares, blesses, helps, holds, gives, teaches and promises in His goodness and faithfulness. He fits it all perfectly together into His good plan.
We can forget a lot, but we can help ourselves remember. We can write down and record what God has done for us, how He has helped and been there for us. We can keep our minds focused on Him and His Kingdom. We can read and study His Word through prayer and His Holy Spirit.
God told the Israelites to remember all He had done for them. He gave them many festivals to celebrate and remember their past and how He had helped them. He told them to talk about what He had done frequently and to tell their children.
God understands and in His love will remind us, even over and over again if that’s what it takes. When we forget to rely on Him, we loose our focus on Him, we can always turn back and He will accept us. He longs to be the center of our lives, of everything we do. He will patiently teach and remind us.
Start and end everyday with Him. Remember Him throughout the day. Pray often. Read His Word. Seek Him in everything. Hold tight to Him. When we are weak, He will be our strength. When we are joyful and full of hope, He is right there rejoicing with us. In all times look to Him and remember.
(Philippians 4:8-9, Deuteronomy 16:12, Hebrews 12:1-2)
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